Thursday, September 27, 2007

Maggie's First Day

Maggie's first day of preschool went very well. I am only sending her one day a week. She goes on Tuesday. We have been talking to her about it all summer and she has been anxious to start. Her school started about a week after Tyler's so she was begging to go to school every day he went.

She went right into her classroom the first day. She is such a big girl now and wants to do everything herself. So she carried her own lunch bag and put it in her cubby. She is very excited about her snack. She said bye to Mommy and was on her way. She had a really good day and was excited to see me when I picked her up. She got to paint, so that was very fun for her. Since then she is excited to report that she also gets to play with playdough and play on the playground.

This week we had Parent's Night at her school. We got to visit her classroom and see what she does during the day. The teachers had hung up everyone's artwork. That was very cute to see. It is hard to believe she is old enough to paint and glue. We have been so busy the past year with Jeff's new job, selling the house, moving, and Tyler starting school that it seems Maggie has grown up overnight. It is very hard to imagine the little girl who screamed every time I tried to leave her at the YMCA childcare so happily marching off to school. Now if her independence will just expand to bedtime then we will really have accomplished something!
Love, Donita

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