Thursday, May 22, 2008


So I just spend 4 days in the hospital when what I thought was a blemish on my forehead turned into full fledged cellulitis. ( It is basically a skin infection. Within a week it grew from a small blemish looking spot to a huge egg shaped red puffy spot on my face. Despite 3 trips to the Doctor and 4 different antibiotics, it continued to grow. I finally had enough when my eyes began to swell and barged back in to the Doctor's office. The sent me to the hospital where I spent 4 days on IV antibiotics. Let me tell you, 4 days in a hospital alone is VERY BORING! I didn't really feel sick, just more tired than usual. I basically had to sit there all day so I could get my antibiotics every 8 hours.

The consequences of our out of state move became very apparent when I was sent to the hospital Friday night. Jeff was at work and we literally know 1 person in the whole state! Lucky for us I was able to "convince" my Mom to come down for a few days to stay with the kids so Jeff could go to work. I am not sure what people do in these situations when they have no family or friends close by. Obviously we need to make some friends.

Anyway I am home now and on the mend. I am still on oral antibiotics but the swelling and redness have mostly disappeared. The BEST part of the whole drama is that I have to be on a Low Tyramine diet for the next 3 weeks. That means NO CHOCOLATE!! I don't know if I have ever went 3 weeks without chocolate in my whole adult life. It is going to be a very long 3 weeks.

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